Creating a Content Calendar Might be a Daunting Task

Kiran Kazim
3 min readJan 20, 2022


But it can save your butt big time, here is how you can create one!

Source: Unsplash

Do you want to improve your search engine rankings?

A content calendar can help you plan out the topics you’ll be writing about and exactly when you should publish them.

It can assist in keeping your blog

  • Organized
  • Focused
  • On track with what readers are looking for.

You can also use it to plan guest posts or interviews with other bloggers so that everything runs smoothly.

Without a content calendar, it’s easy to get sidetracked by new ideas or lose focus on what matters most to your audience.

If you don’t have time to create an entire content calendar from scratch, there are plenty of templates online that you can download for free. Once you have one in place, all you need is some good ideas. And the discipline to stick with it!

By creating a schedule ahead of time, not only your site will become more organized. But also more efficient and more accessible for readers to navigate each day or week without getting overwhelmed by too much information at once.

When people know exactly where they should look for certain information based on their interests and needs - they stay longer.

The secret to achieve higher page views and ultimately increased revenue!

So I will be sharing the exact steps to help you create a perfect keyword-rich content calendar.

Keyword Research — The Most Important!

The beauty of SEO is that it doesn’t just help you rank higher on Google but can also increase your site traffic by driving thousands more visitors — for free!

So, in addition to targeting primary keywords for which there are no limits as far as how many times someone might search them, we should be focused on adding secondary keywords too!

Secondary keywords provide even more context about what people have been searching around. So making use of secondary keywords will make your site more discoverable.

Keywords Sorted

You have to agree keywords are the backbone of any SEO campaign.

Long gone are the days when you could just stuff your site with tons of keywords and hope for higher page views.

It doesn’t work anymore.

Now it’s all about targeting phrases that get high volumes per month — but wait… if they have low competition levels, this makes them easier picks than more popular terms.

So rather than focusing on those ultra-competitive keywords right away, focus on some less competitive keywords first. It will help your site gain authority.

Your Title is So Vital

Titles are significant as they tell readers what your content is about and give them a reason to keep reading.

Titles also help search engines understand the focus of your website.

Write exactly what they need when crafting the perfect title. A good title should include your primary keywords, but at the same time, it should be written with humans in mind.

Scheduling Content

One of the first things you need to do when creating your content calendar is to put each title on a schedule and the publishing date next to it.

You need to publish often and stay consistent with a publishing schedule.

But be sure to focus on quality over quantity — always!

After all, your reputation matters the most while establishing your business online.

You can even prepare your content calendar for a few months or even a year. When you’re done get ready to publish some great content. It helps you stay ahead of your deadlines, even if you are hiring freelancers to complete certain tasks.

Let’s see how it can help big time if you outsource content.

Content Creations Becomes Easy!

Once you have a calendar for writing, follow it. As you create your own content, make sure your team is aware of what to write, what to eliminate and what produces content on schedule.

Now is the time when you plan what your competitors are posting and what kind of content you should be focusing on.

  • Listicles
  • Articles/Blog Posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Infographics
  • How-to Guides

and much more!

Make sure that your content doesn’t have any errors which could make you look incompetent. Have a few people look over it before it goes online to make sure the content will be free of any errors that could cause people to doubt your experience.



Kiran Kazim

Writer and mom trying to be successful in both journeys. I write about the challenges of being a parent and trying to have a successful career.