Here is How Having a Content Calendar Helped me Big Time with My blog

and improved my blog’s rankings massively..

Kiran Kazim
2 min readJan 19, 2022
Source: Unsplash

I was at a loss for balancing the needs of human readers and search engine optimization. But then I stumbled upon a content calendar. The content calendar helped me plan major updates for my blog in advance, focusing on quality over quantity during those periods.

Now my blog is top-ranked on Google searches because it’s authoritative and informative without being too dense or hard to read.

What Is a Content Calendar?

If you want to market your business successfully, every post you publish must fall into place like a perfect puzzle piece.

And the best way for us marketers out here is to do that through our content calendar!

You can plan what type of articles or blogs will go up and how often they should appear per week. Or a month and which days you should focus most heavily based on analytics.

So make sure you start plugging away today!

Pros of Having a Content Calendar and Sticking to it

A content calendar is an excellent way to organize your posts for product-based and service-based businesses.

Stay on Top of Your Game

Content calendars are a time-saving and efficient way to stay on top of your game. Creating content schedules lets you know what is coming up in the future, so there are no surprises.

Plus, you can use various tools to organize social media posts. This will be much easier than before.

SEO Strategy is Sure to be a Hit

It may seem like a daunting task at first. But once you’ve got the hang of it, there is no easier way for getting things done.

The best part about developing an in-depth schedule with specific dates and time frames is that they’ll help keep all aspects consistent throughout each month. Hence, Google knows what type or quality information should be present at any time!

Plus, it will help you boost your SEO strategy.

Helps you Be Consistent

Content plans keep your site fresh with content to attract new visitors and improve search engine rankings as, ultimately, consistency is the key!

Outsourcing Content Becomes Easier

If you’re working with more than one writer, it becomes difficult to keep track of who’s worked on what.

A content calendar can help assign pieces and track their progress through every stage so that nothing falls behind or gets forgotten about!

Lastly, let’s look at how my friend Christopher Kokoski indexes his articles.



Kiran Kazim

Writer and mom trying to be successful in both journeys. I write about the challenges of being a parent and trying to have a successful career.